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Abstract Submission 
(Extended deadline : 30 September 2021)

Presentation Format & Guidelines

  1. All presentations are pre-recorded presentations (15 minutes)

  2. The presentations may be oriented towards any of the following:

    • research

    • pedagogy & best practices

  3. Submit your abstract (max. 150 words) providing a clear overview of the presentation including the aims and key points. If it is a research-oriented presentation, it should include the aims, methodology and key findings.

  4. Use the abstract template to type your abstract. You will be asked to upload your abstract during the abstract        submission process.

  5. You will receive an email from Google Forms upon submission of your abstract. This email contains a link for you to return to the abstract form later.

  6. Record your presentation. Upload it to YouTube and set it to the "unlisted" setting.

  7. Register for the conference to confirm your presentation slot with payment.

  8. Submit your video YouTube link by returning to the abstract submission form. You can do this by clicking the "Submit Abstract" button below and select "edit your response". Alternatively, refer to no.5.

    Download more detailed presenter guidelines here.

Important Dates

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For abstract related enquires, email

Submission of Full Papers

All full papers that are submitted will be reviewed and published in the e-conference proceedings. Kindly follow the following specifications.


Deadline : 10 November 2021

Email full papers to

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