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Office Coffee Break

Presenter Coffee Breakouts

Coffee breakouts are virtual coffee chats created in breakout rooms  to provide opportunities for presenters to meet and interact with each other in small groups.

Smiling Handshake

The aim of coffee breakout is to allow for informal social interaction between presenters such as when you meet each other during break time at physical conferences. Have a coffee while you chat. 

Smiling Person Talking through Headphones

Presenters have been emailed further information on how to join Breakout 1 and Breakout 2 according to the conference programme. Please check your email for links and instructions.


Since it aims to simulate face-to-face social interaction, do turn on your video cameras in these breakouts. Practise good turn-taking habits and enjoy the conversation. 

Remote Team Meeting
Information for non-presenters
We will take a break from live streaming during Presenter Coffee Breakouts 1 and 2.
Take this opportunity to view the video presentations on YouTube.  We will see you again at the next Featured Speaker Panel or Keynote session.
Refer to the programme.
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