iELT-Con 2021
A big thank you to all guest speakers, presenters, participants and supporters for your contribution to iELT-Con 2021. We hope to see you at iELT-Con 2023 in Penang.
iELT-Con is hosted biennially by the Penang English Language Learning and Teaching Association (PELLTA) and iELT-Con 2021 is PELLTA's 10th international ELT conference. Despite the educational disruptions brought about by the Covid-19 pandemic, this virtual conference is about moving forward, forming learning networks and professional communities. It aims to provide a platform for the English language teaching (ELT) community across the globe to network, discuss and explore the following questions : What does teaching and learning in these challenging times mean to ELT practitioners and researchers? How do we develop "future-ready" students? What lessons have we learnt from the pandemic that will stand us in good stead in post-pandemic times?
Developing Future Skills In English Language Teaching
Embracing change and transformation
Leveraging technology in ELT
Creativity and innovation in ELT
Learning partnerships and learning networks
Developing soft skills in EL learners
Educator and learner wellness
Student-centred blended teaching and learning
ELT research in pandemic times
Alternative assessment in ELT
Equity and inclusive education