iELT-Con 2021
Featured Speakers
Panel 1 : Initiatives in Developing Future Skills in ELT
Mike Mayor is Director, English Learning Research and Design at Pearson. On leaving university, Mike worked as a teacher of English in France before entering the world of publishing as a lexicographer. Mike joined Pearson in 2003 and headed up the Longman dictionaries list until his move into Learning Research and Design in 2013. Mike has a BA (Hons) in French Language and Literature and a Masters in English and Applied Linguistics from Cambridge University.
Initiatives For Developing Future Skills In ELT
Research into the impact of technology and automation on society suggests that many of today’s students will be applying for jobs which currently don’t exist. So how do we prepare these learners for such future uncertainties? What are the skills of the future that will ensure their place in tomorrow’s job market? And is it the place of ELT teachers to be teaching these skills? This presentation explores the research into the skills that employers are looking for and suggests ways in which English language educators can indeed play a greater role in preparing their learners for the workplace.
United World College of South East Asia (UWCSEA), Singapore
Amin Neghavati is a learning technologist and a learning and development consultant currently based in Singapore with more than two decades of experience working in global education contexts. ​He is currently the Head of Professional Learning and Development at United World College of South East Asia (UWCSEA) in Singapore. He is passionate about the future of learning, future skills and preparing people to live and work with emerging technologies. You can connect with him on LinkedIn:
Orchestrating Digital Transformation In Language Teaching Organisations
Recent technological changes and Covid19 have made the imperative to transform clear to lots of businesses including those in the world of teaching and learning languages. The question is how this will best happen with the right people, infrastructure and data. What do we need to do to make sure we are ready for the future? What strategic decisions do we have to make and how can we check if we are on the right path. In this talk, I will share a number of digital transformation best practice guidelines that can help you plan for the future and prepare for it while taking care of your teachers and staff.
Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia
Francisca Maria Ivone now teaches at Universitas Negeri Malang's Department of English. She earned a B.A. in ELT from the same university before continuing her education at the University of Queensland in Brisbane, Australia. This university awarded her an M.A. and a Ph.D. in Applied Linguistics. Today, she researches the area of ELT, Technology-Enhanced Language Learning, Extensive Listening and Viewing, Extensive Reading, learning autonomy, and collaborative learning.
Harmonising Pedagogy and Technology in ELT
Technology has proven to be essential in ELT, particularly during the present pandemic. In the last two years, teachers and students have become more technologically savvy. They are now using technology in ELT in a more flexible and inventive manner. Some are prepared, while others are not, owing to access, connectivity, and support disparities. The presentation will look at how information and communication technology have changed how English is taught and learned. It will highlight the many ways technology strengthens ELT pedagogy. Some effective methods for fostering future L2 learners' skills by integrating technology in ELT will also be reviewed.